Sy n fida tlh same2 tag masing2 hikhik...fid da x sabar nk wat tag ni...oppsss..lupe plk nk bgtau rules die...No 1-10..HIM/HER tu..adlh org yg tag anda....yg lain tu xde mslh rasanya....
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
Gud fren of mine..kwn dr 1st yer..satu gp lagi mggu 3M..kan fid..
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
1. cun + comel...fid, blanja aiskrim...
2. cool je..x nmpk mrh wlpn marah...
3. ckp slow je..lemah lembut betul...
4. sgt paling rajin pernah sy jmpe...fokus sgt klau wat keje..
5.pndai msk..mmg de ciri2 menantu pilihan hati la..ahaksss
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
pinjamkn bahu die ms sy menangis baru ni...tq fid..
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
fid ni krg berkata2...simpan byk...yg plg ingt kot..semua org berhak bahagia..
5. IF he/she become your lover, you will...
if ek...pastikan dia bahagia brsm sy..hikhik..
6.IF he/she become your enemy, you will...
bocorkn rahsia die..haha..jaja mesti nk tau..ahaksss...
7. IF he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
tnjk perasaan kasih syg ckit...suke smpan minah ni..konon2 x
syg...kesian org yr terlibat...ahaksss
8. IF he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
die x bgtau sumtim dat i should know...jgn bt ek fid...klau
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
naikkn berat bdn die kpd normal..sekelip mata...
10.The overall impression of him/her is...
gud fren..memahami...rajin sgt...fokus...lemah lembut...
11.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
emosional...suke nangis..mst org pikir cmtu sal sy..
12.The character of you for yourself is?
pemalu kot..ahaksss...
13.On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
susah nk kwl ekpsresi muka...mmg nmpk r...kalau malu ke..klau bengang ke..transparent betul....
14.The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
dr sndiri yg lbh baik...
16. Ten people to tag:
17.Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
hmm..mst la en daiki kan...wink2...
18.Is no. 3 a male or a female?
19.If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
2gether..byk mksud tu..xtau la...
20.How about no. 5 and 8?
single lagi rasenye dua2 kn tanye empunya diri la
21.What is no. 1 studying about?
nutrition ng i....
22.Is no. 4 single?
nope...hatinya udah dimiliki...
23.Say something about no. 6
ambik diet..selamba habis...jiwang jugak dia ni ...bc la blog die...
MeLuaHkan TanPa MeMakSuDkanNya..IbArAt HiDup TanPa JIwa..JaSad AdA Di DePAn MaTa..Namun...HatiNya HiLang EnTah Ke MaNa....KoSoNg...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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oh, padil itu saya kah yg kam0 maksudkan? haha. kam0 telah memaksa saya mengubah polisi saya untuk tidak meninggalkan kumen di blog2 laen. tahniah utk kam0. ini merupakan kumen pertama saya drp sume blog yg prnh saya singgah. [cool] sungguh!
ReplyDeletekene tunjuk sket eh ksh syg 2???tuk org yg kurang ksh syg je i bg..huhu..bes la tag ni...
ReplyDeleteto Fadhil: yela..anda la yg sy mksudkn..sile bt tag tu akn mmbacanya...wah..komen pertama ek...terasa bangga pulak..berjaya mmbuatkn anda mgubah polisi anda..eleh..polisi la sgt...
ReplyDeleteto fidadido: kn la tnjk ckit...tak byk blaja love lesson nmpknya..tanya nina..hikhik..tol tak nina....
ReplyDeletetag kemaen lagi eh.
fid skrg pilih kasih r nk bg kasih syang.. yg lam enpon tu jeee...
ReplyDeleteanda.. arahan tag kne jelas sket kot.. nnt ade yg silap paham
ReplyDeletesy + dah...jelas doh kan???
ReplyDeletejnh..hok dlm enpon tu krg kasih syg kot...ahakss
ReplyDeletewah tag yg kalo sy wat..nk describe sape..sume org dh describe psl anda..huhu..
sila blaja 'love lesson' ye..
meh nk ajar..ahahaa...(konon bnyk pengalaman)..
xpe sy paham..simpan dulu kasih syg itu..
satu mse yg sesuai, baru luahkn dn tunjukkan..
Hebat r gni.. niena.. sile buattag ye.. mmg pon.. sape ntah org laem nset fid tu.. nk g selidik ni.. jom terjah..
ReplyDeletewei wei...mikichan
ReplyDeletexde sape2 dlm nset sy 2 & dia bukan org yg kurang ksh syg itu..tettt...sdhla jgn korek rhsia lg..xmo ckp pape..zipppp!!!
konfem xleh selidik pape..dituduh menceroboh nnt
zipppp!!!!!opssss...da la cik miki...hehe...bahaya ni...amaran tu...